December 16, 2022
How to Handle a Leaking Roof

A leaking roof in your home is embarrassing to say the least. And it gets worse when you are entertaining guests and there’s water seeping through the roof to your expensive upholstery. Once you discover that your roof is leaking, the best you can do to minimize costs, prevent further damage and more serious roof leaks in future, is to have the roof repaired immediately.Here is a step by step process on how to handle a leaking roof.1. Take measures to prevent interior damageFirst things first, you’ll have to prevent damage to your home’s interior by moving the furniture or any other items in the house that could be damaged by water. If your carpet is wet then you need to remove it and allow it to dry. Keeping the wet carpet can cause mold and expose your entire family to host of diseases. Make sure you don’t leave any damp items in the house to promote the circulation of fresh air.2. Identify the source of the roof leakYou need to inspect the roof for signs of leakage as soon as possible. You can start by checking if there’s any stagnant or pooling water especially near the gutters and downspouts. If your roof is covered by shingles then check for damage on this material that can cause water to seep through the roof. You may also need to inspect the attic for signs of water damage.3. Look out for hidden damageMost roof leaks are caused by damaged or worn out roofing materials, clogged gutters and damaged flashings. But in other cases, the cause of roof leaks may be hard to identify. Because a roof may leak overtime before you finally identify it in your interior space, there’s a lot of hidden damage that may go unnoticed. One common sign of damage caused by leaking is peeling paint. Sometimes roof leaks can also cause the wallboard to crack and form bulges on the ceilings and walls.4. Do you need emergency repair?If you are unable to identify the source of the leakage and it is causing damage to your interior, it’s time to call in an emergency roofing contractor. They will come in and stop the leak as you await the necessary repairs to be made.5. Have the roof inspected by a proIt’s always important to call in an expert to perform a thorough roof inspection. That way, you can be guaranteed that there’s no serious hidden damage that you overlooked. Damages caused by roof leaks can easily go out of hand and a roofing contractor will recommend a repair or overall replacement depending on the extent of damage.6. Call your insurance agentOne last important step you can’t afford to miss is getting in touch with your insurance agent. Find out if your policy covers damage caused by roof leaks. The insurance company should send someone to inspect the damage and provide the financial assistance to get you started on repairing your leaking roof.